
Bash Fork Bomb

Maybe you've heard of the bash fork bomb, maybe you haven't. You may have even seen the command that launches the fork bomb but don't know what it means or just haven't taken the time to think it through. Whatever the case, the bash fork bomb is something that is pretty interesting.

The short explanation of what the fork bomb does is that it recursively and exponentially spawns processes until your system crashes. So, what does this fork bomb look like? Here it is:

$ :(){ :|:& };:

So, that's great, but what exactly does it do? Well, let's break it down to explain what it is

  • :(){ :|:& }
    This defines a function : that does not accept any arguments, thats the () part. So, what does the function do? That's the part inside the curly braces.

  • { :|:& }
    This is the meat of the function, what gets run when you actually call :. When you call the function :, the first thing it does is to call itself and it pipes the output into another call of itself. So, short story here is that : calls itself twice; hence the exponential growth of processes spawned. The thing is that each time : gets called, that's another process running on the system. And, here's the kicker, the second time : is called, it is sent to run in the background with the &, so killing the parent process won't kill it.

  • ;:
    This is where we actually call : for the first time. The ; operator says to run the following command immediately after the previous one has finished. So, what does it do? Immediately after defining the : function this calls it, and then you play the waiting game until your system crashes.

You should probably not run this command on your system. If you're curious, fire up a virtual machine inside virtual box and give it a go there. Maybe I'll do that and post a video.

So, what good is this fork bomb? Well, this is something that sys admins use as a way to test limits on user processes. Once you launch this fork bomb, the only way to end it may be to reboot your system. The reason is that you have to destroy all instances of it to resume normal function.

See you next time.


Regular Expressions in Vim

Regular expressions are a fantastic thing to keep in your arsenal. To get a rough idea of what regular expressions are for, check out this xkcd comic on regular expressions if you haven't already seen it. Basically, regular expressions allow you to find and act on patterns in a file or group of files. I'm going to be looking at this from how you can use regular expressions with Vim, but regular expressions are certainly available in a much larger capacity throughout linux.

When learning a new programming language or programming concept, I find it useful to be able to see examples of code that other people have written. Unfortunately, this attack is probably not quite as helpful for regular expressions. Reading regular expressions can be quite tricky and may require a fair amount of time and energy to decipher a regular expression if you don't have any notes handy to explain them. Just a hint from my personal experience, you should probably leave a comments in any program or script you write to explain any regular expressions contained within. If you don't leave comments, you may find yourself looking back at the regular expressions in your code and feeling like you're reading brainfuck. The best way to learn regular expressions, in my experience, is to dive right in and start writing them yourself.

That all said, let's get started here with where the bulk of the work is done with regular expressions: metacharacters. Metacharacters, or escaped characters, are special characters that represent something else in a regular expression. That maybe doesn't make a whole lot of sense as you read it, but, hopefully, it will be clearer with the following list of metacharacters:
  • . - Represents any character except the "new line" character

  • \n - Represents the "new line" character

  • \s - Represents any whitespace character (e.g. space, tab, etc.)

  • \S - Represents any non-whitespace character

  • \d - Represents any numerical digit (0-9)

  • \D - Represents any non-numerical character

  • \x - Represents any hex digit (0-f), case insensitive

  • \X - Represents any non-hex digit

  • \o - Represents any octal digit (0-7)

  • \O - Represents any non-octal digit

  • \h - Represents any head of word character (a-z,A-Z,_)

  • \H - Represents any non-head of word character

  • \p - Represents any printable character

  • \P - Represents any non-digit printable character

  • \w - Represents any word character

  • \W - Represents any non-word character

  • \a - Represents any alphabetic character

  • \A - Represents any non-alphabetic character

  • \l - Represents any lowercase character

  • \L - Represents any non-lowercase character

  • \u - Represents any uppercase character

  • \U - Represents any non-uppercase character

I know, that's quite a list, but once you start writing some regular expressions, it's not too bad to refer to a list and before you know it, you'll find you won't even have to reference any list. Now that we've covered the metacharacters, the next place we want to look is how to denote the number of times something is to be repeated. The answer is with another class of escaped characters, called quantifiers. Quantifiers can be either greedy or non-greedy. Greedy quantifiers try to match as many times as possible. Non-greedy quantifiers try to match as few times as possible. This should be clear once I run down the list of quantifiers and use them in a couple examples:
  • * - Matches 0 or more of the preceding characters, as many as possible (greedy)

  • \{-} - Matches 0 or more of the preceding characters, as few as possible (non-greedy)

  • \+ - Matches 1 or more of the preceding characters, as many as possible (greedy)

  • \= - Matches 0 or 1 of the preceding characters

  • \{n} - Matches the preceding characters exactly n times

  • \{n,m} - Matches the preceding characters at least n times and at most m times, as many as possible (greedy)

  • \{-n,m} - Matches the preceding characters at least n times and at most m times, as few as possible (non-greedy)

  • \{n,} - Matches the preceding characters at least n times, as many as possible (greedy)

  • \{-n,} - Matches the preceding characters at least n times, as few as possible (non-greedy)

  • \{,m} - Matches the preceding characters at most m times, as many as possible (greedy)

  • \{-,m} - Matches the preceding characters as most m times, as few as possible (non-greedy)

We have enough to go through some common examples.

Find dates in YYYY-MM-DD format (two equivalent expressions):


There is another point that I should make, the / character is a special character in Vim, so it has to be escaped. For example, if you want to find dates in mm/dd/yyyy format:


Before we can do much with finding and repacing text within Vim, there is one more thing we should go over. A lot of times when finding and replacing text, we will want to keep part of the patern that we find and have it in a different (or even keep it in the same) place. This will probably be easier if I just do this with an example. The following will convert all dates from MM/DD/YYYY format to YYYY-MM-DD format:


There are a couple things to explain in the above example. The \( and \) characters are not actually searched for, but are used to delimit the paterns that you want to keep for the text to replace with. The \n characters are mapped to the paterns that are surrounded by \( and \) characters in order. In other words, the first thing in the "find" portion of the command surrounded by \( and \) characters maps to \1.

What if you want to turn a list with each value on separate lines into a comma separated list? Here's how:


What about that problem from the xkcd comic linked above? To find text formatted as an address I will assume the following about the address:
  1. The address is of the form that you would use to mail a letter in the United States

  2. The name is two words (i.e. first and last name only)

  3. The house number is no more than 4 digits

  4. The street name ends with a common ending: st., ave., blvd., etc. and none longer than four characters.
  5. The zip code is in extended form: #####-####

Before the example, I should explain that since the . character is a metacharacter, if you want to search for a period character specifically, we need to escape it like this: \.. Also, the ^ character is used by Vim to denote the beginning of a line and the $ character is used to denote the end of a line. Here's my example of a search command to find text formatted like an address:


I know that's kind of long, but let me break this example down one part at a time:
  • ^ - Makes sure that it starts finding the address at the beginning of a line

  • \w* - This is to find the first name

  • \s - This is to find the space between the first and last name

  • \w* - This is to find the last name

  • \n - This is to make sure that there is nothing else on this line

  • \d\{,4} - This looks for a house number of at most 4 digits

  • \P* - This looks for the text of the street name, and takes into account street names with hyphens or multiple words

  • \w\{2,4}\. - This looks for the street ending (e.g. st. or blvd) ending with a period character

  • \n - This makes sure that there is nothing else on this line

  • \P*, - This looks for the city name ending with a comma character, and takes into account cities with hyphens or multiple words

  • \s - Makes sure there is a space between the city and state abbreviation

  • \u\{2} - This looks for the two digit state abbreviation

  • \s - This makes sure there is a space between the state abbreviation and the zip code

  • \d\{5} - This looks for the first five digits of the extended zip code

  • - - This makes sure there is a hyphen separating the two sections of the zip code

  • \d\{4} - This looks for the last four digits of the extended zip code

  • $ - This makes sure that there is nothing else on this line

I know that this may all seem rather daunting, especially if you've never really worked with regular expressions, but the best advice I can give is what I said before: start trying to write your own regular expressions. Sure, you'll make mistakes at first; heck, I still make mistakes when I write regular expressions. But, at least you can learn from your mistakes.

Well, that pretty much does it for tonight's post. Have fun writing regular expressions. See you next time.


Vim: Visual Modes

I realized that in my last post, I mentioned the Visual and Visual Line modes in Vim without actually mentioning what you would use these for. The visual modes are used for selecting text and doing things like cutting and copying text, or in vim-speak deleting and yanking text, and for running commands on the selected text. Once you change to visual mode, moving the cursor around will automatically select text. Visual line mode works much like visual mode, only you can only select entire lines.

Cutting and copying in visual modes:
  • y - yanks (copies) the selected text

  • d - deletes (cuts) the selected text

Cutting, copying, and pasting in normal mode
  • :y or yy or Y - yanks the current line

  • :ny - yanks line number n

  • :n,my - yanks line numbers n through m, inclusive

  • :d or dd - deletes the current line

  • D - deletes from the current cursor position to the end of the line

  • :nd - deletes line number n

  • :n,md - deletes from line number n through m, inclusive

  • p - puts (pastes) text from the clip board starting to the right of the cursor, or below the cursor if putting entire lines of text

  • P - puts text from the clip board starting to the left of the cursor, or above the cursor if putting entire lines of text

Another important thing when you are editing anything is to know how to undo and redo changes made. This is really easy to do in Vim:
  • u - undo the most recent change

  • U - undo all of the most recent changes to the current line

  • Ctrl + r - redo the last undone change

That pretty much does it for this post. See you next time


Vim: an Introduction

If you saw my favorite linux applications post, then you'll know that Vim is my text editor of choice. Vim is a very powerful text editor, but it does come with a bit of a learning curve. I figured I would present an introduction into Vim that should help in getting to the point where using Vim is not a challenge.

I suppose the first thing that we should do is cover how to open a file in Vim:

$ vim filename

This will open the file filename, and if the file does not exist, Vim will create the file once you save. Probably the first thing everyone notices when they first open up Vim is that they cannot immediately enter text into the file. The reason for this is that Vim is a modal editor with the following modes: Insert, Replace, Visual, Visual Line, and Normal modes. Vim opens up by default in Normal mode which is where you can issue commands to the Program.

Another common problem that people face when they are first learning to use Vim is that they have a hard time keeping track of which mode they are in. The first thing I will point out is that at the bottom of the Vim window, it does tell you what mode you're in; it will display the following:
  • -- INSERT --: When in Insert Mode

  • -- REPLACE --: When in Replace Mode

  • -- VISUAL --: When in Visual Mode

  • -- VISUAL LINE --: when in Visual Line Mode

  • Or it will be blank when in Normal Mode

Part of the reason that people have a hard time keeping track of what mode they are in is that once the open up Vim, they set it to Insert Mode and leave it there. If you only set Vim to Insert mode when you are actually inserting text into the file and leave it in Normal mode otherwise, this will cut down on the confusion and encourage you to learn Vim commands, rather than just using Vim like Notepad.

OK, enough for my introductional rant, let's get down to the business at hand and start talking about how to use Vim:

  • Changing Modes
    Before we start discussing the commands and how to use the various modes, it may be a good idea to know how to change between them so that you don't get yourself stuck somewhere in unfamiliar territory. The first thing I will point out is that from Normal mode, you can get to any of the other modes, but from any other mode, you have to return to Normal mode before you can change to a different mode. Here is a list of hot-keys that you can use to change modes:
    • i - Puts you into Insert Mode where the cursor currently sits

    • I - Puts you into Insert Mode at the beginning of the current line

    • a - Puts you into Insert Mode one character after where the cursor currently sits

    • A - Puts you into Insert Mode at the end of the current line

    • s - Puts you into Insert Mode and deletes the character immediately under the cursor

    • S - Puts you into Insert Mode and deletes the current line

    • r - Puts you into Replace Mode for only one character where the cursor currently sits

    • R - Puts you into Replace Mode and keeps you there where the cursor currently sits

    • v - Puts you into Visual Mode where the cursor currently sits

    • V - Puts you into Visual Line mode on the current line

    • Esc - Returns you back to Normal Mode

  • Moving around in Normal Mode
    The first thing I will say about Normal Mode is that there are, what I call, hot-keys and commands. Hot-keys are keys that when pressed do something immediately. Commands start with either the : character for normal commands or the / character for search commands. Now I will run down a list of hot-keys and commands for moving around in Normal Mode in Vim
    • h - Moves the cursor to the left one character

    • j - Moves the cursor down one line

    • k - Moves the cursor up one line

    • l - Moves the cursor to the right one character

    • w - Moves the cursor to the right one word

    • b - Moves the cursor to the left one word

    • $ - Moves the cursor to the end of the line

    • ^ - Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line

    • gg - Moves the cursor to the first line of the file

    • G - Moves the cursor to the last line of the file

    • :n - Moves the cursor to line number n

  • Searching for and Replacing Text
    I shouldn't even have to explain how important it is to be able to do find and replace commands inside a text editor. I use them all the time and they make things go a whole lot faster. Searching for text in Vim is very easy:


    Typing the above while in Command Mode will move the cursor to the next appearance of text after the cursor's current position. To move to the next appearance, simply type n; to move to the previous appearance, type N.

    Replacing text is a little bit more complicated, but here is the basic syntax:

    :[region]s/[text to find]/[text to replace with]/[options]

    This may look a little daunting, but let's just break it down one piece at a time:
    • [region]
      The region tells the command what section of the file to do the find and replace on. You can use a number to do the replace only on one line, you can use two numbers separated by a comma to replace between two lines inclusive, or you can use the % character to replace throughout the entire document. Here are three examples:


      The first example with substitute the first instance of find with replace on line number 5. The second example will substitute the first instance of find with replace on each line between line numbers 5 and 10, inclusive. The third example will substitute the first instance of find with replace on each line in the entire file.

    • [text to find] and [text to replace with]
      These two sections are where the bulk of the work for the substitute command is done. This is where you identify the text that you want to replace and what you want it to be replaced with. The real power of these areas comes when you start using regular expressions, which I will cover in a future post.

    • [options]
      The options are where you tell the substitute command how to behave. If you do not specify any options, then it only performs the substitution on the first match on each line in the specified region. Here is a list of the options available:
      • g - This option will perform the substitution on all matches in the specified region

      • c - This option will prompt you for confirmation before making substitutions

      • i - This option will ignore case when looking for matches

      The above options can be combined. For example if you wanted to find do a substitue on al matches ignoring case, you could do:


    • Working with files
      To really be able to use Vim effectively, you're going to have to know how to open and save files as well as exit the program when you are done. Here is a list of commands for handling these actions:
      • :e [filename] - This will open the file [filename] in Vim

      • :w - This will save the open file

      • :sav [filename] - This will save the open file as [filename]

      • :q - This will exit Vim

      • :q! - This will exit Vim, discarding any changes since the last save

      • :wq - This will save the open file and exit Vim

      • :x - This behaves much like :wq, it will save the open file and exit Vim, but will not save if no changes have been made

    Well, that does it for a pretty basic introduction into Vim. See you next time.
  • 2009-07-15

    Searching files with grep

    It is pretty common that you might want to search for text within a file or directory. The best way to do that is with grep. The basic way to use grep is:

    $ grep [PATTERN] [FILE]

    • Searching a single file
      A simple example would be if you wanted to see all the different Linux kernels that show up in your /boot/grub/menu.lst file, you could:

      $ grep kernel /boot/grub/menu.lst

    • Searching for multiple strings
      What if you want to search for multiple strings in one file? Say, you want to see all the section headings, identifiers, and drivers in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file. You could do this by using the -e option, and I'll also use the -i option to ignore case when searching:

      $ grep -i -e section -e identifier -e driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf

    • Searching multiple files
      It is also possible to use grep on all the files in a directory or just on a couple files that you want using either the * wildcard or by identifying files with the -f option. For example, let's say I wanted to search all my blog posts saved on my computer for ones that mention ImageMagick:

      $ grep -i imagemagick ~/blog/*

    • Displaying lines before and/or after match
      Sometimes you want to see the context in which the matched text appears. To do this we can use the following options: -A, for lines after the match; -B, for lines before the match; or -C, for lines on both sides of match. So, repeating the previous ImageMagick search to display 5 lines of text after the match, 5 lines before the match, or 5 lines on both sides of the match, we could use the following, respectively:

      $ grep -iA 5 imagemagick ~/blog/*
      $ grep -iB 5 imagemagick ~/blog/*
      $ grep -iC 5 imagemagick ~/blog/*

    • Displaying lines that do not match
      You might want to find lines that are not commented out in your /etc/apt/sources.list file. To do so, we can use the -v option, and we want to find lines that do not contain the # character. Since the # character is used to comment out lines in Bash, we have to search for this in a way that won't comment out the rest of the command (hint: regular expressions...I plan on doing a post dedicated specifically to the topic of regular expressions in the future), so we can search for this in either of the following two ways:

      $ grep -v "#" /etc/apt/sources.list
      $ grep -v \# /etc/apt/sources.list

    • Displaying only file names that contain matches
      It may be the case that you are really only concerned with the names of the files that contain your search string. To do this, we can use the -l (lower case L) option. I'll return to the ImageMagick example above here:

      $ grep -il imagemagick ~/blog/*

    • Displaying the number of matches per file
      To go one step further from the previous example, you can use the -c option to show you the number of matches you have in each file:

      $ grep -ic imagemagick ~/blog/*

      If you test out the above example, you'll find that it returns all the files that have no matches as well. If you only want to show the number of matches on files that actually have matches, we can use a little bit of redirection to pipe the output of one grep command into the input of another grep command (and a little help with regular expressions):

      $ grep -ic imagemagick ~/blog* | grep -v ":0$"

    • Displaying the line numbers for the matches
      Sometimes it is important to know where in a file the matches are, to help find this, we can use the -n option:

      $ grep -in imagemagick ~/blog/*

    Well, that does is for a pretty basic introduction into grep. As usual, there are still some other things that you can do with grep. The biggest thing that you can use with grep that I have not really covered is the use of regular expressions, but that is a topic deserving of its own post.

    See you next time


    Re-issue Previous Command as Root

    Here's a quick Bash tip. Don't you just hate it when you key in a command at the terminal and press enter only to realize that you didn't preface the command with sudo? Well, have no fear, because the command !! will re-issue the previous command.

    Now, I know you're probably thinking, "what good does that do me? I can just press the up arrow and then hit enter to run the last command." And you'd be right; however, what if you wanted to re-issue the previous command, but you wanted to put sudoat the beginning of it? Well, you could simply press the up arrow and then move the cursor to the beginning of the prompt and then key in sudo and press the enter key, or you could just do this:

    $ sudo !!

    The time that this happens to me most frequently is when I want to edit a file, for example, if I wanted to add a new repository to my /etc/apt/sources.list file, and run the following by mistake:

    $ vim /etc/apt/sources.list

    This will open up the sources.list file as read only, a fact which becomes perfectly clear once you change to insert mode in vim, with a Warning: changing a readonly file warning across the bottom of the window. At this point, it's easy to close the file, and re-open it as root with:

    $ sudo !!

    Well, that pretty much does it for tonight. See you next time.


    More on ImageMagick

    I've talked about ImageMagick before, and I figured it would be fun to cover some more features available with it. The reason I like ImageMagick is that it is really convenient for when you want to do the same thing to a large group of pictures. You may find yourself with some digital pictures that you want to make look more artsy by changing them to black and white or maybe to a sepia tone.

    The first thing I always do before using ImageMagick is to make backup copies of all my pictures I'm going to be editing. Once you're ready to get started, converting pictures to black and white is really easy:

    $ mogrify -monochrome input.jpg

    It really is that simple. The above will only convert the image named input.jpg. If you wanted to do the same thing to all .jpg images in a directory, you could do this:

    $ mogrify -monochrome *.jpg

    Sepia tone allows for a little more tweaking, because it allows you to input a threshold as a percent of the intensity, ranging from 0 - 99.9%. This is something that you would want to play with to get the desired result, but from my experience 80% is usually a good starting point. We could convert an image to sepia tone like this:

    $ mogrify -sepia-tone 80% input.jpg

    Again, you could use the same command on all .jgp images in a directory:

    $ mogrify -sepia-tone 80% *.jpg

    This still only scratches the surface of what you can do with ImageMagick. I'll be covering more of the features in future posts.

    See you next time


    Favorite Linux Applications

    I thought I would change things up a little bit this time and talk about some of my favorite Linux applications.

    • Terminal Emulator - Terminator
      If you do very much from the terminal, you'll surely find scenarios where you would like to have multiple terminal windows or tabs open at once. Tabs are great, but if you want to be able to see the contents of multiple terminal windows as once, they don't help. If you keep opening up new windows, it can become a chore to resize and manage all the windows so that you can see all of what you want. Terminator takes care of that by allowing you to split your terminal window and drag the split to resize your frames however you want. The split windows in Terminator allow for more efficient use of screen real estate as you don't have so much space taken up by window borders and decorations. To install Terminator:

      # apt-get install terminator

    • Text Editor - Vim
      I feel that everyone should know how to use at least one real text editor, and Vim is a great choice because it can run on almost any platform. Vim, or at least Vi, is installed by default on all Linux systems, so, if you know Vim, you'll always be able to use a text editor on any Linux machine. Aside from being easily available, Vim is a very powerful and extensible text editor. Vim can do syntax highlighting and spell checking as well as allowing you to write macros and use regular expressions. In fact, I use Vim to write all of my posts on here. To make sure you've the latest version of Vim installed from your repositories:

      # apt-get install vim

    • Web Browser - It's a two way tie:
      • Firefox/Iceweasel - I like Firefox for the great set of add ons available for using it. Also, it is very easy to get Java and Flash installed for Firefox in Debian.

      • Links2 - I like using Links2 for when I'm reading a lot of text in a blog or when I'm reading web comics. Links2 is a great lightweight web browser and has a graphical mode. To install Links2:

        # apt-get install links2

        To launch Links2 in graphical mode:

        $ links2 -g

    • Chat Client - Naim
      I know that Pidgin is pretty much the standard favorite chat client, but I like the simplicity and the keyboard commands/shortcuts in Naim. I will admit that Naim does have a bit of a learning curve, as with most console apps, but once you get past that, I find Naim to be a great chat client. To install Naim:

      # apt-get install naim

    • Video Player - VLC
      From my experience, VLC can play just about anything you throw at it. It is by far the easiest video player I've used to play DVDs with menus, and the interface is very simple. To install VLC:

      # apt-get install vlc

    • Audio Player - Songbird
      I like the clean interface and the ability to install add ons to Songbird. Check out my earlier post on installing Songbird.

    Well, that's a good start for my favorite Linux applications. What are your favorites?

    See you next time


    Installing Picasa in Debian

    Everyone needs a good photo album program. My favorite is Google's Picasa: it does a great job at organizing your pictures and even has some good tools for touching up your photos.

    We're going to go ahead and set up the Google repositories in Debian so that our package manager will handle upgrades as they become available. To do this, we will need to add the following to our /etc/apt/sources.list file:

    # Google repository
    deb http://dl.google.com/linux/deb/ stable non-free main

    As always, you can use your favorite text editor to add this:

    # vim /etc/apt/sources.list


    # gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

    Or, you can use echo and output redirection:

    # echo "# Google repository" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
    # echo "deb http://dl.google.com/linux/deb/ stable non-free main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list

    Now that we've got the repository added, we need to add the apt-key so that we can use it without error:

    # wget -q -O – https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub | apt-key add -

    We are ready to update our packages list:

    # apt-get update

    Now that everything is up to date, we can install Picasa with the following:

    # apt-get install picasa

    This should put Picasa on your menu, and you're ready to start using Picasa.

    See you next time.